We are focused in research on human health & recovery in conjunction with nature, environment & cosmic energy. To achieve healthy body and peaceful mind, we need to balance these 5 elements.

Working with five elements human body made of,


Our body is made of 70% for water, which cleans & maintains our organs. Our research on alkaline water, every person drink 1 litter alkaline water per day. Alkaline water boosts our immunity and many more healthy benefits. Our research shows, we have developed product that everyone can make 1 litter alkaline water at anywhere & anytime.


Within the body, air (oxygen) is the basis for all energy consumption slowly deep breath in & out. Best practice of yoga and pranayama. This practice helps to regulate our body organs and blood circulation.


Our body is connected with earth by soil, grass, mountain & trees to bring the positive energy from them.


Sun is symbol of Fire. Fire keeps our body temperature constant. To bring total sun’s energy, we recommend to stare at sun up to 0-30 degree only, which can bring sun energy in our body.


We are researching in cosmic energy, how it could help us for mental health for our body. Specially working for mental diseases like depression, anxiety, bipolar, dementia, schizophrenia etc.